Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Endless Summer of 2012

Well it feels like an endless summer with my delays in posting, but who wouldn't want these great adventures to continue all winter.
So, the conclusion of our summer adventures. Our drive south put us with in a beautiful view of Mt. Shasta.
Spent a day watching jump planes take off in Lodi.
Finally made it too the next National Park, Yosemite.
We just did a drive through the valley, with a stop to check out the summer trickle at Bridal Veil.
Then hit the road south .
(Aww, sunset from a rental car).
We camped just north of Kings Canyon, to get an earlier start down the windy canyon road.
Rally Mom, did you have to post that picture, I just woke up.
And we made it to our final National Park of the trip,
Kings Canyon!
A quick drive through the Canyon, with a fun stop at some waterfalls.
Then it's time to head back home.
National Parks are amazing. Every park we checked out has more amazing adventures to offer then we could see in two weeks.  
National Parks, we will be back.
What's your favorite National Park?
(I really want to see Acadia National Park in Maine, watch out Maine sooner or later we will make it there).

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