Saturday, February 16, 2013

Are We Ever Going to Get There- Adventures to Crater Lake!

After finding our way through Idaho, we headed West to Crater Lake.
 Papa has tried to make it to Crater Lake National Park before, but has always been foiled, so we were determined. We got a good start along some promising back roads, made it a good hour or more into the middle of know where, when: our car no longer wanted to play. The transmission died, and of course there was no cell phone service. Luckily, after very little time, a local sherriff heading home from work happened upon us. He was kind enough to drive Papa back a mile down the road to a farm house.
Now car trouble is never good, but good things can come out of bad. The owners of the hay farm are some of the kindest people we have ever met. They not only allowed us to use to the phone, but let us stay with them while we watied the possible 3 hours for the tow truck (thankfully it took a bit less), they even made us a lovely lunch. Thank you kind friends, we will be forever grateful!
They were the best part of the ordeal, as the closet the tow truck could take us to a city, was back  to the town of Burns, OR. Which only has one rental car, for quite a pretty penny. So within one days time, after increasing our car insurance coverage, we drove the 130 miles from Burns, to Bend, rented a new car, spent one night, and returned back to Burns (before noon when they close) to return the other rental car.
Now we were all a bit tired by this point, but even more determined to make it to Crater Lake. And.....
make it we finally did.
We only did a drive through, but it was beautiful!
Plenty of places to check out the view. What an amazing Lake!
Even got to see a waterfall.
Crater Lake, we shall return!

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