Sunday, March 10, 2013

2012 Wrap-Up

Yes we are way behind in posting, but our adventures are just to much fun! So here is a very quick wrap-up the rest of 2012:
Fun times at the Los Angeles Zoo.
JB watch out!
Saved JB from an alligator.
Met some sheep,
And a big elephant.
Played behind the waterfall.
Groomed a goat.
Played with my baby brother, who's getting bigger.
Practiced some baseball.
Got some style at the Hard Rock Cafe.
Hiked around the Mt. Wilson Observatory,
with the family!
Showed some LA pride at the Dodger games.
Showed JB how to listen to the National Anthem.
Got on TV at the Science Center.
Saw the last Space Shuttle fly piggyback on a 747.
Got some family together, for JB's blessing.
Taught JB how to swing, don't worry you'll get the hang of it.
Went camping up at Point Magu.
JB got a little sandy.
Flew a kite.
Papa swam with some dolphins.
Camping is always good family time!
Did some more beach camping down in Carlsbad,
with great sunsets.
Celebrated the parents anniversary at the Stinking Rose, delicious!
Caught a show at the circus,
cool stunts to watch,
fun family times.
Checked out the LA Auto Show,
not sure if this one's big enough.
We like the racing cars.
So much to see.
Checked out Griffith Observatory with Auntie.
Wrapped up JB for Christmas.
We made a quick trip to Utah. Saw some wonderful friends,
and even went sledding with the cousins.
Was that fun JB?
2012 was fun filled, 2013 here we come!

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