Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Big Adventures in a Little Plane

As many of you know, my Dad is a skydiver, so we've spent most of the summer at a Drop Zone (skydiving center) in Northern California. I love it! I spend every weekend looking at airplanes, helicopters, ultra lites, and of course parachutes & skydivers. What could be better?
My own plane ride, that's what! (For full disclosure- I have been on a plane once beofre, but that was in one of theose big commercial jets, so uneventful I didn't even know I was on a plane.) But at the end of the summer Mom, Dad & I got to go on a plane ride in a little Cessna 182. It's a plane used by skydivers, so there is only one seat for the pilot. We got to sit on the nicely padded floo, which has seatbelts sticking through the carpet. I must admit after we took off and saw the ground getting further and further away, I showed a slight bit of concern, but happily spent the rest of the flight curiously taking it all in. The loud plane noise, the view (little & big houses, grape vines, and lakes) out the window, and the fun bumpy ride.
After a ten minute tour around the area, we landed safetly back at the airport. I think I realized a bit more what had just happened after we landed, and I got outside. Then I realized we had just been up in the plane, and smiled. Oh, and I can even say "airplane," and "helicopter"- which is more of a "hetopter." I'm still working on parachute, right now it just comes out as "para," silly tounge.
A special thanks to Pilot Randy for the awsome flight, and a huge thank you to Bill & Cathy for the use of the plane.
So if you want a big adventure in a little plane, or even better a plane ride + a free fall + a parachute ride (which Mom & Dad highly recommend), then check out your nearest parachute center. In Northern California, I recommend, and for other places you can always find a good Drop Zone through, Have Fun!!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Holy Cannoli, Jules! Are you going to let him jump when he gets a little older?? i would have heart attack...actually i have a heart attack thinking about him jumping!! AK, aunty kristen doesn't want to hear about you jumping until AFTER it's over and you are okay!!