Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Reno Air Races

Earlier this year I got to see all kinds of cool airplanes at the Reno Air Races, in Reno, NV. We went the first day, and got to see most of the fun with a smaller crowd and at a lower price (the good thing about being little is that I'm free)!

All day long different types of aircraft were racing head-to-head! Those were some pretty gutsy pilots to be flying that fast with that many other planes in the air. (Mom wonders if they do that with helicopters:)

In between the races there was tons to do! We checked out the cool stationary airplanes. They had really old ones from WWII

and newer ones that go very fast!

I also got to watch bigger kids play on all kinds of cool toys, like jumpy houses and rock walls. Someday I'll be big enough to do that too! But I did get to check out a pretty fun looking motorcycle. Yumm Jelly Belly! I think my car seat might just fit in that side car.

There was also lots of food that smelled really good! (Mom of course got cotton candy.) There was also the biggest BBQ I think I'll ever seen. Mmmm just looking at it makes me hungry.
Even though I slept most of the day it was still a very cool adventure. I may not be big enough to fly a plane yet, but maybe dad will let me drive the car home.
For more information on the Reno Air Races, check out:

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Okay, lovin' that jelly belly moto, and AK driving is PRECIOUS!