Monday, December 15, 2008

Lake Camanche Reservoir

This adventure started out as a nice afternoon at the Lake, and turned into quite the adventure. In the gold country of northern California there are lots of rivers and lakes. In between Hwy 88 and Hwy 12 we found Lake Camanche Reservoir.

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There is a lot to do on the Lake: fishing, boating, water-skiing, and plenty of other water adventures! There is also a lot to do off of the Lake. It looks like it used to be a lot bigger, but that the water has gone down over time. This isn't so bad, because it leaves a lot of sand dunes to play on before you get down to the water.So before our picnic we decide to take the 4x4 truck on a little drive around the Lake. We were doing pretty good driving around, but before we knew it the sand got deeper and deeper and finally we got stuck. Oppps!

After numerous attempts to get ourselves unstuck, we decided we needed a bit of help. So mom and I, in our trusty off-road stroller took a nice hike through the sand back to the ranger station. An hour & $150 dollars later, a bright yellow & purple tow truck arrived to pull us out. Yippee!

We still had a nice picnic overlooking the lake and the marine, it was just a bit delayed. So if you get the chance to check out Lake Camanche watch out for the sand, even in your 4x4!
You can see more about Lake Camanche at: or
Check out your local area, there's probably somewhere close where you can have your own adventure.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Haha you got stuck!! no, really.. I love you, but HAHA! Okay,just living it up cuz you know i get stuck...all the time... okay, well, anyway, I really do wish I was on your adventures with you!!! I haven't even seen AK yet, and I'm in love, so.... OH! And Can I put in a request?? Like a radio station I guess... Can I see some pics of AK with Gram Carol and maybe a christmas tree?? I know I can't talk, I don't have any up yet on my blog, but I have Aunty needs, ya know. Maybe I'll get inspired. :)