Friday, November 28, 2008

Lake Tahoe

My first adventure was to Lake Tahoe, CA. What a beautiful place. There is so much to do. There were boats on the lake, but the water was a little cold for me, so we stuck to the land.

My favorite thing is to drive around the lake. Roads go around the whole lake and make for a beautiful day drive. Check out a map here:

There are great places to stop and have a picnic in South Tahoe, right off Hwy 50. It's also fun to take the elevator to the top of one of the big hotels in South Tahoe and see the view from there.

The most beautiful place to stop is off of Hwy 89 just above Emerald Bay. The water there is a beautiful color.

Lake Tahoe is beautiful year around, but during the winter some of the roads are closed due to snow. Late summer was a perfect time to escape the heat in the valley and enjoy the fresh mountain air. So next time you're in Northern CA or NV take the day and explore Lake Tahoe. You can find more info here to help plan your trip:).

Hope you enjoy and see you next week for a new adventure!


Anonymous said...


I have always wanted to go to Lake Tahoe but have not had the chance to go yet. I appreciate the photos but mostly the free tor guide.

Nicomi said...

Its about time Jules, its about time! i can't wait to follow the happenings of your guys' adventures! p.s. where in the world are you?

Anonymous said...

Good to hear about what's going on. I'd love to visit Tahoe one of these days.

Kristen said...

AK!!! You are the man. Enough said. Ok, maybe not... you have your own BLOG?! What a stud. I have to say, you are slightly an over acheiver, you know, being 5 mos. old an all. Love you!!

Aunty Kris

Nanette said...

Albeeeeerrrrtttttt!!! I can't believe Julie and you have a little adventurer all your own! Wow. Who knew the guy causin' all the trouble at the clubhouse in Hawaii would come such a long way...Love the blog and the photos are terrific. I can't wait to see more. Alohaaaaaa, brotha!