Friday, November 28, 2008


Welcome to AK's Adventures! Is it difficult for you to get out and travel? Have you always wanted to see the world around you, but just don't have the chance? Or do you want new ideas on where to go and things to do, that may be in your own backyard. Well come join me, AK, on my adventures. (I've traveled more then most adults.) Each week (or almost each week) I'll go on a new adventure, some large, some small, all exciting. So come join me on my adventures and get a new appreciation for the world around us!


Anonymous said...

Albert my friend, there you were, 1996 as i was doing my AFF, your big bright smile, took the fear and concern right out of me. until my malfuction, on my solo jump! :) Thru the years, Ive held you in the highest regards. The day i saw you bounce higher than the 6 ft fence my soul screamed!
Youare one of those amazing souls, whos humble
disposition has always inspired me.
Your audi traveled me well, a year or 2 later and your energy has always been something I looked forwrd to everytime I drove to the Drop Zone.
Your support with DaKineRags was a many times a needed boost that I may have never thanked you for...Thank You Brother...
Julie, even with the little we know eachother, I still see why Albi loves you so much...and your beautiful little bundle of joy!!!! WOW! You guys are always in my heart and my blessings.

I see im # 25 on the hit counter...perfect, that was the age of my last girlfriend. :) Aloha a Hui Ho chuckdakine 7777779

Anonymous said...

That was so awesome...i was smiling and laughing the whole time I was looking at the adventures. I love you guys and please keep it safe. Really hope to see you guys and the little one real soon. Have fun with him because life just goes by way too fast.
luv ya all,