Thursday, January 31, 2013

Two Medicine- Glacier National Park, MT

While Going to the Sun Road is the most popular attraction at Glacier National Park, some of the lesser known areas should not be overlooked. We checked out an area called Two Medicine, and as you will see it was well worth it.
Two Medicine lake.
Our first adventure of the day was a short, easy accessible hike to Running Falls. There's a pretty cool Native American story about the falls, but to learn that you're going to half to go there yourself, hehe.
(Where is that water coming from).
The falls headed off to a beautiful river.
Where's Papa, can you find him?
Time for a little rest.
This place is amazingly beautiful!
After a boat ride across the Lake we took a longer hike to Twin Falls.
There are some cool bridges on this hike.
At the base of Twin Falls.
As the name suggests there are two falls. Here's one of them.
Summer hiking in Glacier is walking through the wild flowers.
Who's Upside-down?
How do you do that Papa?
Our boat ride back, our very knowledgeable tour guides gave us some great info.
Ahhh, so relaxing to be three months.
With the sun not setting until after 10pm we get to do a lot of things in one day.
For the 3rd hike of the day,
we went to Appistoki Falls.
Mama says I've become quite the hiker.
What a great day!!

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