Tuesday, March 20, 2012

2011 Wrap Up

Yes, it's already February the end of March (ahh where is the timing going) and we're still thinking about 2011. We did a few great things that we haven't shared. So, here we go:

Way back in September our vacation included:
- A first time visit to the Virginia City Camel Races in Virginia City, Nevada.
 We arrived early in the day and got to check out the historic town and the annual parade before the races got started.
 AK even got to meet one of the camels,
who really just wanted to eat Papa's straw hat. 
Then the fun really began. Camel races,
Ostrich Races,
and even zebras.
 There was a bit of down time in between the races. But each race was hilarious and I loved it.

-For the fourth year in a row we went to the Reno Air Races.
We've found in years past that we really like to go on Thursday. The price is a bit cheaper, and the races are all qualifying, but they're still great, with a great show and a bit less crowded.
As always we loved every minute of it. We got to check out some cool planes on the ground.

 I even got to sit in the cockpit of the Hawaii National Guard's C-17. 

As always there is some great show planes.
A plane that races a jet truck,
and the Canadian Thundbirds had a great show.
I was especially into the races this year. It's so amazing what the planes and pilots can do.

It turned out that we had blessedly went on the right day. The next day, as we were heading back south, we learned that there had been a horrific crash. The pilot of the airplane and spectators lost the lives that day, and many were injured. We were thankful for our safety, and filled with sadness, for those who were injured and lost loved ones that day. It still remains one of our favorite events of the year.
Our prayers are with those who are still suffering from this tragedy.

-The weekend after we got back, we couldn't pass up the chance for a bit more vacation, so we joined some friends
for a Camping trip Point Magu (up in Ventura County). We had a great relaxing, long weekend.
Beautiful campsite in the trees,
 right across the beach from the ocean.
I even had a blast with my new friend.
 There was a little rain and wind, but that just made it all the more fun!
So there, I think we're a bit more caught up!
Next adventure; my brother, baby JB should be here any day now!

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