Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween Fun 2011

We not only had a fun Halloween but a pretty fun week leading up to Halloween.
We made Jack-O-Lantern Cookies, Yum!
My cousin, Jennah, and I got to go to Bate's Nut Farm's Pumpkin Patch:
We saw animals,
(I'm trying to sound just like the noisy geese behind us)
We rode in the wheel barrel,
And picked out the best pumpkins, so much fun!
We went with an aeronautical theme this year with the pumpkins.
We couldn't find the candles the first night after we carved them,
and by the second night my airplane had really started to decompose
(I was really excited to watch the pumpkins decay this year, so I wasn't too bummed)!
We only got to light up the two, but they looked pretty cool.
I went trick-or-treating as a Panda Bear, but really didn't want to take pictures (what can I say).
The next morning inspecting the loot with Papa!!!
Oh and don't worry, we'll get back to the September vacation posts soon!

1 comment:

Family Neiman said...

awesome! love the panda bear ak! i also love those pumpkin cookies! fun!