Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ribs, Ribs and more Ribs!!!

Our September road trip started out at 4AM!
We left early and I couldn't sleep for the first few hours because I was too excited.
We made a few stops for bathroom breaks, Mom's morning sickness (yes mom is pregnant), and one really fun stop at the river.
While 4AM is a bit early to be up, it allowed us zero traffic and we even got to Reno's Best in the West Rib Cook-Off with plenty of time to dig in. Look at that truck full of ribs!
Over the next three days, we made 5 stops at the cook-off, tried just about every places' ribs
 (not to mention fried pickles, turkey legs, yummy ice cream,
and fresh squeezed lemonade). The last day we left with a cooler bag full of ribs and a turkey leg, which lasted the next few days.
Delicious!!! We definitely ate way too much this week,
but it was a great way to start a road trip!

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