Monday, October 11, 2010

Hot August Nights

Every August Tahoe, along with Reno has Hot August Nights, which means there are some really cool cars to check out. We stopped by one night to take it all in. Those two were mom's favorites. Plus it’s just fun to all ride our bikes around in the summer. An of course we had to stop for some ice cream on the way home.


Kristen said...

Ah! I'm SO bad at blogstalking the people I should be blogstalking the most! I love you guys and miss you immensely! AK, you are a rockin' little man, with the coolest momma EVER. (and poppa too!) I hope you guys are doing good. Call me Julie! Come to HAWAII!

I have a blow up mattress and some triple chocolate cheesecake calling you. ;)

Kristen said...

ps: I really like his adventure song!

Oh my AK, Oh my AK
Oh my darlin' little man
Come see your Aunty Kristen
in Hawaii and get a tan!

New verse? Bah!