Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Adventures in Skydiving

As summer is here I thought I'd share what I'll be doing almost every weekend this summer: hanging out at the Drop Zone and watching Papa skydive. It is one of my favorite places. (I spend most weeks talking about skydiving and airplanes). Let me share the airplanes with you. My favorite is the DC-3 (this one no longer flies, but it's still my favorite, I love to go touch the wings). This is the King Air (I get to practice jumping out of it, while it's on the ground of course). The one Papa jumps out of most often is the Twin Otter. (And yes, my parents are very proud that I can name each one of them.) I love to help Papa before his jumps by helping him do gear checks on his parachutes and encourage his tandem students to, "Have a good jump!"
My favorite part is when Papa lands. I yell "flare, flare, flare, Papa," as he comes in for a landing, and then as soon as all the parachutes are down I get to run out and meet Papa.
So, if you're in Northern California any weekend this summer (and are ready for some fun) stop by the Lodi Airport (just off of Hwy 99 about 30minutes south of Sacramento), or go ahead and stop by here to find a Drop Zone near you.

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