Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Summer ReCap

While our post have been few and far between this summer, our activities have not, so we need some serious updating. This summer we:
Played with cousins,
Got a hair cut (I look like a boy again),
Celebrated birthdays with friends,
Went to Sea World,

Played with Grandpa and Grandma Denise,
Saw animals at the L.A. Zoo,
Played with Grammy,
Visited with Auntie Anna (Uncle Patrick was there too),
Played at the Beach,
Ate with Family,
If you've noticed in years past the month of September does not yet bring the dreaded return of a fixed school schedule. Because I'm only 3 we still get to have fun the month of September, and there are so many fun activities, so stay tuned as the fun has just begun!

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