Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Emerald Bay

Last week we had some warm sunny days (50 degrees, nice), so we took the opportunity to do some exploring. I've showed you pictures of Emerald Bay in the summer, but the snow adds another layer of adventure and beauty that must be shared.I sure had fun throwing rocks and playing in the melting snow.
Lower Eagle falls was especially beautiful!
So, we decided to have a closer look.What a beautiful day!
Springtime adventures, here we come!


Family Neiman said...

wow! you live in the most beautiful place ever!

Beth said...

oh wow... those are some seriously amazing views! thanks so much for sharing them again, winter style...

Anonymous said...

I love that hike! I remember doing it when I was in high school!

a new beginning said...

Man, AK is starting to look like papa, the blond hair being the main difference :) I see a future center in the making and if I get Jose going on his guard pulls, they should be a good team together in about 15 years....