Sunday, September 6, 2009

Camping on the King’s River

After our Yosemite trip, we took a drive down to Kings river, just past Pine Flat’s Dam. We found a nice little camping spot just off the river and even went back to the little market for hot dogs and s’more fixings.
We checked out the river and explored a bit before setting up camp.
Mom & Dad put up our little tent. Nice and comfy.

Check out all that fire wood. Dad is the fire king!He hacked up half a fallen tree (literally) with a blunt hatchet, to provide plenty of wood for the evening. Go mountain man Dad. And what a fantastic fire it was. It was so much fun to watch that I couldn’t even go to sleep. Every time mom would lay me down I would wake right back up. I don’t want to miss the party. Plus the s’mores were pretty good. We even had enough wood for a nice little fire in the morning.
Yeah for camping!


Kristen said...

Looks like you guys had SO much fun!! (PS: i remember that T-shirt, and I can't believe you still have it! It's like 10 years old or something!)

jaymie said...

i think i'm ready to start traveling with you guys.