Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Halloween 2013

Let's go back in time a bit.
This Halloween was a bit lack luster.
Papa and I were very sick, I didn't even get to dress up for school.
At least I was feeling good a few days before so we could carve our pumpkin.
I wanted the dog! 
JB broke out our classic giraffe costume, and did some trick-or-treating.
What a cute giraffe. He could never say trick, but just skipped to the treat part.
I did feel ok enough to help pass out candy.
Hope you had a Happy Halloween!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Anniversary in Pheonix Arizona

To celebrate Mama and Papa's 7th anniversary we took a family trip to Phoenix Arizona.
As usual we had nothing specific planned, just lots of good ideas.
We started out North of Phoenix at Lake Pleasant.
It out did it's name, not just pleasant, but fun and relaxing!
We rented a fishing boat and spent the day checking out the lake,
enjoying a boat ride, (it rocked JB to sleep),
relaxing on the water,
splashing in the water,
and enjoying a quiet day out of the city!
Once we got to the hotel, we played our versions of mummies
(Mongolian baby roll).
 The next day we checked out NASCAR.
This was a first for us, but we had fun.
But JB has fun anywhere!!
It was really loud, but I called it and Monster Energy's #54
was the winner of Saturday's main race.
I was pretty proud!
Those cars were fast!
The next day we had a little pre-game tail-gating
(Well mine was more of a quick nap!)
As usual JB did the eating.
Then we hit up the Cardinal's vs. Texans!
"Check that out!"
Veteran's Day's celebrations at football games, are usually pretty memorable.
Check out that flag.
There was a pretty good card show
We had fun participating!
And a little more tail-gating afterwards!
"Shaka Bra!"
Back at the hotel.
JB eating again, is that chicken as big as your head?
We spent a lot of time in the car, but it sure was a fun trip.
Plus, who knew there was a Waffle House in Phoenix.
A little anniversary memory!
We finished off by taking a detour road
(you know your not surprised)
and checking out the Salton Sea.
It was a little smelly, at lot of birds and dead fish.
But at least we got to throw rocks!
We'll have more adventures soon,
 come peek on us again!

Friday, November 15, 2013

We're still Here!!

Yes we have been MIA for a while.
Just been busy, but as usually happens at the end of the year,
we'll play catch up.
SO here we go!!