Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Many Glaciers- Glacier National Park

One of the amazing places to explore at Glacier National Park is the area of Many Glaciers on the East side of the park.
Swiftcurrent Lake greets you at the dock,
but it was a bit windy.
There is boating, exploring, and some pretty intense hikes. We opted for an easier to manage hike and did the 3 miles (roundtrip) to Apikuni Falls.
AK became quite the skilled hiker, and managed the majority on his own.
(By the end of the trip in Glacier, AK was a pro hiker, watch out mountains here we come)!
I of course got packed around. Yeah for me!!
It was a beautiful towering waterfall,
with a just as impressive view when you hike back to the trailhead.
Check it out if you get a chance.
(Mama, I'm a bit squished, help).

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Kintla Lake- Glacier National Park

One of our favorite places in Glacier National Park is Kintla Lake. It's located pretty close to the Canadian border, and requires a trip down a long and bumpy dirt road. (If your car, like ours, is not quite use to off roading, it is quite slow going, but very worth it).
There is a very small, lightly developed, campground at the lake.
The lake is absolutely pristine.
We had set up camp for the night and had a nice BBQ dinner,
 when we heard a storm far off in the distance. We decided to batten down the hatches (which means put the rain tarp over the tent- every time we tried to leave it off rain would magically appear) just in case it came our way, and in less than an hour it was upon us. Thunder, lightening, and rain pounded down all around us. The next morning we found out that lightening had struck just outside the rangers cabin, which is just outside the campround. It was awesome, at least that's what Mama and Papa thought as we watched it from the dryness of the tent. JB slept right through it, but I was a bit weary. It didn't last too long, and the next morning the clouds gave way to a beautiful sunrise! 
Plus it's a great place to throw rocks!!
We really didn't want to leave that spot. It is on our must return list, and this time with a paddle boat or kayak, or something to get on that lake. It's too beautiful not too.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Going to the Sun in Glacier National Park

This summer we found one of the most beautiful places on the planet, (we still have a lot to see, but this will always rank up there) in Glacier National Park in Montana.
Going to the Sun Run is a windy curving, 50 mile trek that runs straight through the center of the park.
There is so much to see that you want to stop after every turn and drink it all in.
Waterfalls tumble down the mountain sides.
 breaking up snow banks,
and weeping down the rock walls.
 Vistas of mountain plateaus,
 And the remaining Glaciers.
Rivers run along the curves in the road,
and head into the forest.
 Barring Falls, runs under the roadway bridge,

 Sunrift George is a great place to stop for a break in the drive.
There are so many picturesque places to stop.
Great little hikes, to get out into the trees,
(or plenty of longer hikes if you're up for it).
Plenty of places to stop for a picnic.
Snowbanks that make caves, to check out.
River to cool off in,
and explore,
and get a little adventerous.
Animals Abound: 
Mountain Goats,
precariously preched on the mountain tops,
even Bears
(Mama was a bit of a scared- "no running Mama.")
 (The bear and the deer were actually on the trail to St. Mary's Falls).
St. Mary's Falls was a great hike to check out.
Fantastic sunlight.
The falls were amazing.
Papa having fun.
We loved every minute of it!
This place is a must see, and you better do it quick. There use to be over 100 glaciers in the park, now there are 26. It's believed that within 20 years they will all have melted. Don't miss you chance to see it's majesty.