Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday, December 17, 2010

Hot Air Balloon Races

September in Reno just kept getting better and better. One weekend they had The Great Reno Balloon Races. We awoke while it was still dark, and got to the field a first light, just as the first balloon lifted off of the ground. It was amazing to be standing in the field and watching all the balloons lift off all around us. Our good friend Roger came with us. Dad even got to help get a balloon off of the ground! My favorites were the Bumble Bees. It was a great morning. Next year we’ve already decided to go even earlier to see the Glow Show (when some take off in the dark). If you ever get the chance I highly recommend it.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Summer Baseball

Summer has definitely ended as we are covered in snow, yippee, so I better finish up with our summer adventures, we still have a few more. The week we did the Rib Cook-off we stayed in Reno to check it out a bit. We’ve been sorely lacking in baseball game attendance lately so we hit up the Reno Aces (the Arizona Diamondback’s farm team). It was a lot of fun. Nice stadium, fun game, and tickets were only a couple of bucks each, I’m still free. I spent a lot of time making faces at the camera. All-in-all good baseball fun! I really love baseball, I like to practice pitching like Timmy Lincecum (don't worry I'm a Padres fan like my mom)!