Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yeah Spring is here, and spring in the mountains means water, and boy is it beautiful. Last weekend Auntie Mem came to visit me (and my mom, but mostly me). We took her out to Emerald Bay (see post below for more Emerald Bay).
With all that the snow melting Lower Eagle Falls was really flowing. It was fun to play in, but a bit cold.
With less snow on the ground, we did a little hike behind the bay up to the higher Eagle Falls. There was even a fun little bridge to cross right over the falls. We got to see wildlife, they were after the cracker crumbs I'd dropped. Thanks Auntie Mem that was a fun weekend. We've also started driving down the mountain a lot, and there is so much to see right now. Right along Highway 50 (heading towards Sacramento) there are beautiful flowing waterfalls all along the road and the river is flowing fast. We even did a little off roading to what use to be an old bridge and played down by the river. Dad and I sure loved throwing rocks into the river. On our way back up the mountain we took Highway 88 for a different view. There was a beautiful view of Bear River Reservoir and just across the Highway were many little waterfalls finding paths down the rocks. As we climbed higher into the mountains it felt less like spring and more like winter, especially looking at the still frozen snow covered lakes.

Boy is it beautiful!