Wednesday, August 8, 2012


The first day of our trip started out with a lot of driving
(not my favorite part).
But we did make a few quick stops to stretch the legs,
and check out the surroundings.
We paused for some food during a flash flood in St. George.
Checked out a stream (originally thought to be a natural spring) that comes out through rocks from a far away lake.
And finally made it to Bear Lake,
with a beautiful sunset,
and had our first night in the tent,
(and of course some baseball).
The next morning we headed into Idaho, then Wyoming and up the Star Valley.
We took our first small hike down to a river,
so AK could throw some rocks.
Checked out the museum by the Elk wildlife preserve.
Then headed for The Tetons!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Adventures 2012

JB here:
 Summer is still in full swing and already we have had some fantastic adventures.
National Parks were on the agenda:
Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Glacier, Crater Lake, Yosemite, and Kings Canyon.
Driving, Camping, Hiking, Exploring, Discovering
Check back in the upcoming weeks to read the fun details!!